To Be Enthralled Bk. 01

Disclaimer : All personnel engaging in various acts of sex and and other related acts are above the age of 20. Moreover in case of a supernatural or fictional character, I have made it evidently clear that they are also above the age of consent and maturity as per their specific species. The purpose of this story is to act as a vent for the reader's tensions, sexual or otherwise. I want to make it perfectly clear that, I DO NOT ADVOCATE FOR ANY SEXUAL ADVANCES TOWARDS ANYONE WITHOUT PRIOR AND CLEAR CONSENT. My goal is to merely entertain and not to promote any agenda. Please enjoy.


Freezing winds were blowing straight against them as they walked up to the mountain pass. Since it is the heart of winter, these winds would mean that no mortal would dare venture outside their homes. He raised his only hand to the winds and felt it run through his fingers. Kennan wished he was in his native form, these winds would have felt rousing beneath his wings. But his human form should suffice for now.

"The blizzard isn't going to die soon," He said to Menna.

"I knew these lands would be cold, but why is it so blasted dark!?" she grumbled from behind him. True enough the heavy clouds have all but covered the entire sky, barely letting any light fall on this desolate mountain.

She was wearing a heavy black cloak over layers and layers of fur and held onto the cloak like a dog to a bone. Whereas he had only donned leather boots for better purchase over the snowy terrain, a simple bearskin kilt to cover his nudity and a heavy black cloak. His cloak was big enough to fit three full grown men, but on him, it barely fell past his shin and felt tight around the edges.

Menna was almost six feet tall, but still seemed like a little girl when she stood next to Kennan. He towered over her at a monstrous height of eight feet.

She was walking right behind him, using his giant frame as a windbreak. Not that he minded, he had long outgrown winter's bite. Of course it was he who carried the entirety of the supplies on his back. Menna had never borne a single knapsack in her life, at least after they had bonded.

"You might as well enchant the cloak, mistress - if the cold is too t-" he tried to tell her, but she cut me short.

"You have been hunting her for nearly a year now." She snapped back at him. "I will be damned if she gets away again; because she sensed my magic."

"Very well mistress"

The matter was not discussed further. He had been her familiar for a long time now. They have had far too many stories between them to be just Master and Familiar. As such he sometimes addresses her as an equal, as a friend and she doesn't mind: much.

They were hunting the last of the Greater Fire Dragons. Well... last of them excluding Kennan. Chroniclers say that only one beast managed to escape the purge of Ember Fields. Rest of them were either slaughtered or like him, enslaved for experiments. That was a full century ago... Now it was all up to him, the last Sire, to find the last Matron, so that their species may yet live on.

As they approached the mountain pass; the wind had started to howl as it crashed weaved through the rocks. Menna spotted a ward hidden near the entrance of the pass. "That looks like a dilapidated Sentry ward from bygone era." She always had a soft spot for historical relics, no matter how useless they were.

"The bitch has been one step ahead of us for so long. She is smart. Probably hiding amidst the ruins to throw us of her trail." he reassured her.

"She better be-" Menna sounded frustrated. "She made us travel across the sea for this and I am not going back empty handed. I will fuck her myself if I have to."

"We will find her soon, mistress" he tried to placate her, "What can you do about that thing?" He pointed to the barely visible artifact, about 15 feet above us.

"The Fall of Mordeen Empire was 6 centuries ago, my friend." She always likes to show off her vast knowledge in the history of the realm. "What you see is a relic of a civilization, lost to time. There is no way in hellfire that the rusty old construct is even functioning."

Menna just waved her hand and told him to keep walking. Even with his mistress's dismissal he was not one to leave by any potential threats. With a powerful step he leapt on a rock and again using the rock as a vantage point, he leapt towards the ward. He had scaled almost 15 feet with just two steps. With his good hand holding on to a crevice and his feet firmly planted on the sheer cliff face, he had no choice but to use his mouth. He leaned over and bit down on the construct and pulled it out; foundation and all. He bit into it and it shattered into thousand shiny bronze shards only to be picked up again by the wind and flung off into the horizon.

Satisfied with himself, Kennan loosened his grip on his purchase and fell freely down back to the stony ground with a resounding thud.

"Get up! You paranoid old lizard" Menna screamed as she kicked him in the ribs. "We are losing daylight." He barely felt it.

Kennan just got up as if the fall did nothing to him and kept on walking. Menna kept grumbling as she followed.

Another hour was passed in silence as they plodded on through the snow.

It would have been much easier if he had morphed into his true form and flew over the mountain, but that would have been too easy for any dragon to spot. After years of pursuit they had realized that the Matron had to be highly sensitive to any changes in the magic around her. Even at the smallest hint of trouble, she would bolt. They could not afford to let her escape again.

"Wait..." came a meek call from behind, it was unnerving for him to hear her voice without the tone of snide superiority it usually carried. Kennan immediately stopped in his tracks and turned around. Though Menna was a warlock with all the mastery of magic and sorcery, she was still a human. "I can always carry you" I told her, fully knowing that she will take that as an insult.

"Don't you dare" she snarled, her eyes glowing deep green with power as the rest of her body shivered in the cold. Humans are such proud creatures. "Is she able to sense even a small enchantment for warmth from so far away?"

"Matrons are extremely sensitive to changes in magic." He explained. "Especially if she is in heat".

"is she?" she enquired again.

"I make sure to ask her after you chain her" He quipped to which she just scoffed back.

"Just... find us a cave to ride out this storm..." she mumbled. It must be hard for her to be vulnerable. With the great magical engine she had cultivated, put on idle, she is nothing more than a mere human.

Ignoring her protests he easily picked her up in my arms like a babe started to run in earnest. She squirmed at first but she settled down as he picked up the pace with his inhumanly long stride.

"If anyone knows about this, I will personally break your precious horns and skewer your tongue with it." She snapped as she made herself comfortable in his arms, languishing in innate body heat. Her breath on his neck felt soothing and reassuring.

Supporting her with only one good hand was tough. With his left hand Kennan held her torso from behind, holding her weight on his forearm while my left palm curled around armpit and rested just below left breast. His right stump held the lower part of her, at the crook of her knees.

"Of course mistress, but then without my tongue how will I ever satisfy you?" He joked, fully knowing that he was treading on thin ice. Metaphorically and literally.

She gave a little giggle and snuggled up against his bare chest. It was rare for him to get the last word when their talks get heated, since she can always say a word and make him beg for mercy, and would not hesitate to do so. But on certain occasions like this, Kennan feels glorious.

The feeling was short lived, as he felt a sharp pain shooting up from his chest. Though it wasn't as bad as he was accustomed to in combat, the sheer surprise of the pain made him lose his footing. As he fell to knees, clutching her ever so tightly, he heard more giggles from below.

"You bit me!?" he gasped. He looked down to see her lick his blood from her lips,

Quite the comeback. He didn't think he could beat that. "Fine...fine...You win." he conceded.

"Yes I did" she said, delighted in the fact that she was able to bring a dragon to his knees without even using a spark of magic. "You have some sensitive nipples."


The cave was not completely impervious to the frigid winds, but it was dark and trapped the heat well enough, it will have to do for now. Menna huddled up in front of the fire she made Kennan build. It was fortunate that Menna had the foresight to buy a tinder box along with the food she needs for the journey. As a Warlock, she had transcended the need for utilities like fire and sleep. But since they were trying to minimize the use of magic, she is burdened by the weakness of human flesh again.

She now lounged on a bearskin in front of the cozy fire as she smoked her pipe. An ivory masterpiece carved specifically for her by the master craftsman in Nineveh. The white ivory glowed in the firelight, flaunting the carving of a demon's face on one side and a dragon's head on the other in excruciatingly lifelike detail. At times, to an inexperienced eye, it might seem like the carvings were actually moving.

"Kennan!" she called out to him. "You don't need to keep watch, there is nothing stupid enough to venture out in this snowstorm." "Except us..." she muttered thinking I wouldn't be able to hear it.

"...and our little scout." He added "He should have found us by now." Kennan was standing at the mouth of the cave, his massive body almost blocking all of the freezing winds that might stray in.

"He will find us when she finds us." She said dismissively, not even giving a thought about the Snow Sprite she had commanded to find the Matron's lair. Nood was a wild sprite they had the fortune to running into. Kennan had spotted his pale wings on the outskirts of the village. Being a snow sprite, he was able to evade and hide from humans easily. But not from a dragon, and certainly not from a warlock.

It took only mere seconds for Kennan to pounce on him and for Menna to bind the poor sprite. Now the poor boy was scouring the frigid mountain as their scout.

"Then there is nothing else for me to do," he said back to Menna. Kennan didn't have to shout back, voice was deep and strong enough to carry through the wind.

What followed was a pregnant pause, where no one wanted to speak up. As close as they were after 20 years together, the last couple of months had been a strain. This quest was something Kennan had asked for. In a time where torture and mistreatment of familiars was commonplace among warlocks and sorcerers, accepting his request was in itself was a significant act. Moreover, Menna was pushing herself physically by accompanying him. This was not lost to him though, this entire venture felt like a violation of the agreement they had made with each other 20 years ago. Kennan had sworn his fealty to Menna after she saved him from the Inquisition's dungeons, He was not intending to break it, ever.

The relationship they had is unique. She was the only warlock in history with a Dragon for a familiar. And he the only Dragon in all of creation to be voluntarily bonded.

"The sun has set" he stated, breaking the unbearable silence. Kennan's eyes could even the subtlest of changes in the light, while Menna's were helpless in the dark. "We must break camp in 8 hours".

She looked at him and bit her lips."I am cold" she said.

The words might seem like a common statement, but he knew better. It was an order. This was her idea of initiating physical relationship. It was usually like that. Since she was saturated with wild energy, more often than not, she gets uncomfortably sensual. "Make me warm" she sang, in husky sensual voice and opened her cloak wide, she had discarded off most of the furs, and had completely stripped off her leather breeches. She had also undone leather band holding her hair back, now her raven hair, which were always kept tautly braided, now fell like waves to shoulders and glowed in the pale firelight.

He felt relieved, Menna was not trying to discuss their relationship, he dreaded the idea. She was merely horny.

Menna just stood there in the firelight clad only in her boots, her pipe and a tunic which wasn't even long enough to cover her thighs. Despite all that, the most dazzling thing she wore was the impish smirk powered by the fact that she knew Kennan wouldn't be able to resist her. Her dusky skin stood out in the white ice around us, heralding her prominent Nubian heritage.

"You really do have a terrible sense of propriety for a respectab-" Kennan was cut short by a piece of cloth she threw that fell on his shoulder. He didn't even have to use his heightened sense of smell to know what she had thrown. It reeked of her undeniable arousal and sweat. She had just thrown her loincloth at him!. And it was soaked.

He was taken aback by her aggressiveness, but that didn't stop him bringing the piece of cloth and taking a long sniff. Her scent stroked the fire in him and made his manhood swell. He strode purposefully straight over to her, even stepping on the fire in the way. As soon as he got within 3 paces to her, Menna shed her cloak from her shoulders and pounced on him.

This was new, never had she been so eager in our little trysts. It always fell on Kennan to take the effort to satisfy her cravings.

He swept her up into his arms in a crushing bear hug and kissed along her neck tasting the grime and sweat accumulated throughout the day. She wrapped her bare legs around my hips and ground her moistened crotch on his steel abs.

"Ahh... Uhm... Uh...." She moaned into his ear as she played with his blonde hair. As much as he wanted to take her breasts in his hand, Kennan's only good hand was occupied in holding Menna up. As if she had felt Kennan's intentions, she immediately gripped his head tightly with both her hands and she lifted herself up and presented her heaving breasts to Kennan's mouth. He attacked her tits with fervor, nipping and biting hard. Almost hard enough to draw blood.

"Haan... haan... " she kept gasping as Kennan played with her breasts. When he was satisfied with the hickeys he left on her tits, he reached up and kissed the tattoo Menna sported below her collar bone, on her left. The tattoo looked like a dragon's head sporting a great horns and a broken one. It was an exact mirror of the carving on her pipe. It was also the symbol of his fealty he had sworn to her, ages ago. Kennan's manhood was now straining against the lining of his kilt. It would rip free if he ignored it any longer.

He knew what she liked and how she likes it. He used his long serpentine tongue to flick her nips and give it long wet licks alternatively.

"Uhm...Yes...Warm my poor nipples, they hurt so much in the cold..."she whispered in her husky voice.

"They are almost as hard as my cock mistress" he said, knowing she would immediately want to feel his cock for herself. He was right.

"Sly bastard" she swore and gave his lips a quick nip before she arched back to reach for his waist. Her flexibility will put prized dancers in the Golden Palace of Arthos to shame. Kennan held her hips as she reached behind her and fumbled with the belt that held his kilt together.

While Menna was working furiously on his kilt, Kennan was eyeing her sultry body. He was mesmerized by her moorish skin glimmering with sweat and her perky tits jiggling and dancing with every small movement. Kennan's mouth salivated at the sight. His wandering eye landed on Menna's other tattoo, on the other side of her collar bone. The image of a grinning demon glared at him. He could feel the envy and rage emanating from it.

"Zak is jealous again, mistress" Kennan said.

"Well... we will have to deal with it later..."

Kennan's belt finally gave away and his mighty cock sprang out from its constraints and slapped Menna's ass. She came back up, kissed him on the mouth, her tongue pushed through his lips and tasted him. He was not one to let the challenge go, Kennan fought back with his serpentine tongue, slowly but surely pushing hers back into her own mouth and started attacking her.

Menna suddenly broke the kiss just as she was about to lose. "You know... Zak might want your tight asshole for this." she quipped.

"Then Zak has to fight me again... win this time."

With the absence of his kilt, Kennan truly felt how wet she actually was. His crotch was wet with the juices she was leaking as she rubbed against him. Kennan's pubes were drenched and her nectar was dripping down his balls. He could feel Menna's clit digging into his navel.

Kennan spread Menna's cloak on the stone floor with his legs and dropped her unceremoniously. She yelped when she fell on the cold floor, the fur cloak not doing much to cushion the fall. But Menna chose to overlook it, she was far too horny to be angry right now. She turned over and crouched on all fours and presented her ass to Kennan. "Go on then big boy, Fuck me till the sun rises again" she swayed her hips, taunting him to ravish her.

Kennan wasn't going to indulge her yet. As wet as she was, his cock was far to dry.

"Wait for it." He kneeled down between her legs.

Kennan pulled her knees together and started to slowly fuck her the tight gap between her thighs. The length of his cock rubbed along her pussy lips and her engorged clit, when he thrusted. When he was satisfied with the lubrication he gave her another thrust, for good measure. When the hilt of his cock pressed against the back of her thighs, his cockhead was well past her navel, her abdomen, and was pressing against the bottom of her boobs.

He lined up his monster to her entrance but only prodded it. He pushed until her flower inevitably bloomed to let him in, but pulled away at the last instance. Menna got fed up with his playing. She knew this was his way of getting back at her for biting his nipple. Kennan was getting more and more rebellious lately, Menna made up her mind, She was going to put him in his place.

Just as Kennan was about to breach the threshold of her pussy again, Menna pulled away. She turned around and got on her back, before Kennan could understand what she was doing. She pulled knees back, braced her shoulder into the ground and kicked with both her legs with all the strength she was able to muster.

Kennan took it right on his chest. Even though it was the best she was able to do, it didn't hurt him in a bit. But it was able to topple him over. He fell back onto the cold stone floor, his cock standing straight and pointed towards the roof of the cave.

"What are you d-...". He wasn't even able to finish his sentence, when Menna jumped on top of him. She straddled him with her legs on either side of his hips. Her pussy pressed against the base of Kennan's manhood. She pumped his thick member with both her hands which were too small to even cover his girth entirely.

"Can't control yourself?" Kennan smirked, to which she gave a sinister smile as she kept pumping. She scooted up a little and stabilized herself by placing a hand on his abs. Her other hand however, reached back behind her and found Kennan's ballsack. She played with his testicles for a bit, each the size of a small orange. Then palmed one of his balls and squeezed it.

"MENNA-..." He screamed as he bucked and thrashed in pain, But she held fast on him, and to his testicle.

"That's Mistress for you." she simply stated.r"


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